Show Notes for Episode 18

Episode 18 - Transcript

The Gang Does Columbia

Hello to all you unconventional conventions out there. Welcome to Rocky Talkie the show where we talk about anything and everything related to Rocky Horror. I'm Aaron and I am John and we have an amazing show lined up for you guys today. We're super excited to go through some global news, some community news and an awesome question for Nicky asked the question. But first off, let's talk about what did we do this week, John, what were you up to? I didn't really do much this week, Aaron. However, the combination of Un bite Stimmy check that's gonna be coming out as well as my tax return. I decided to jump the gun and buy a $1100 camera. Who, which one was it? I got the, the Sony Alpha 6400 and ended up being like $1083 after tax and then I had to buy like a cam link and stuff for like my stream setup because I'm using it as my like webcam uh for, for streaming but also for like pretty picture taking and for, you know, other things. Very nice getting some high quality only fans content. Yeah, Exactly. You know my vibes. Nicky. How about you? What have you been up to? I'm very excited. Um, I don't. Hi John. So this week I decided I've been wanting to do this thing for a while and I haven't done it because I've been nervous about like putting the money down for it and regretting it. And this week I was like, no, this week I was like, fuck it. Shut up men. I finally put together a Scarlet Witch cosplay. The rest is coming in in the mail. I have some of it. I'm so freaking excited. I'm gonna be so hot. Oh my God. Yeah, that's it. Who's Scarlet Witch? Wada Maximov, Wanda Vision, Elizabeth Olson. Fucking spoilers. Nicky in the comics. I cancel Nicky. No, that sounds awesome. I'm super excited to see you in that. That sounds so cool. I'm so excited. Is it just for Halloween? Just because you want some cosplay around or you got an event? I don't really have an event or anything. I don't leave my house but I do want to like do like photo shoots. Maybe I can make some like Tik Toks and just to like wear in my kitchen while I cook and just feel alive. So Scarlet Witch only fans is what I'm hearing Scarlet Witch into kit for today. I hate that. Oh, well, I've also had a good week. I didn't buy anything super expensive. Didn't uh get any new costumes but uh, I have been watching a lot of news, radio reruns, uh, finally got Meg into that. I absolutely love the show. I love all the crappy sitcoms from like the mid nineties and whatever. And, you know, this is the one where, like, they're all radio station hosts and it's got Andy Dick and, and a bunch of other fantastic, uh, comedians. It's a good show. I'm really enjoying it and brings me back. It brings me back to, you know, when I was 13, 14 years old. You know, it's Friday nights, Thursday nights it comes on before the Drew Carey show. So I sit down and watch it with my family and they're 20 minutes. So it's fantastic to, to check them out now and you don't have to worry about. Oh, I got too far into it because they're one offs, right? So, I love, I love that out of all the, uh, incredible talent that is in news radio. The one person that you pointed out was Andy Dick. It's the only thing that he has ever done that. I like him in, like, by, by far my favorite in that show is, is Phil Hartman, like unquestionably. He plays, uh, Bill mcneil, like the, the biggest asshole, like radio guy on that. So, obviously I connect with him the most as a character, of course. Uh, but no, Andy Andy Dick's hilarious in it. He's like he does. Pratt falls constantly and it's the only thing I can stand him in so, you know, worth, I'll take it. All right with that. Let's move on over to our first segment. It's time for some global news. No, it's not. Yeah. All right. Starting off our global news segment. We've got some new Rocky horror show UK tour dates added to the current schedule. The production has announced this week that they're going to be performing at the Blackpool Winter Gardens on Saturday, December 11th, 2021 and at the new theater in Cardiff on Saturday, February 12th, 2022. So as of right now, the touring production has plans to make its return to the stage with a five night run at the whole new theater in Kingston Square which begins on Monday, April 5th. Although both the company and the theater are very outspoken about their uncertainty that the performance will actually take place as always. We're hoping for the best for the company. We love that you guys are still plugging along with new show dates and we're very hopeful that sometime soon they'll stick. Speaking of things that are sticky if you just haven't gotten enough of Uncle Barry's beautiful face through all his galaxy con appearances. We've got some wonderful news for you. Barry Bostwick is scheduled to make an in person appearance for meet and greets at Spooky Empire Convention in Orlando, Florida from April 30th to May 2nd 2021 according to their website, Spooky Empire has been delivering the best sights, sounds and screams to Halloween lovers since 2003 and features an enormous room of vendors, a film and tattoo festival, celebrity speakers and more to satiate even the most diehard aficionados of the spooky season. Spooky Spooky again. Nikki. No. OK. You said it? Yeah. OK. Bye. So they've hosted the premier convention in the southeastern United States twice per year, once in the spring and the other all out mega convention near Halloween, the spring 2021 convention is planned, like we said for April 30th through May 2nd at the Wyndham Orlando Resort. But we do feel it's worth noting that Spooky Empire, which is just such a great name has yet to comment on how they're going to be making such a large event safe. Although the convention is still like nearly two months away. So it is possible they could still be working on it. I mean, it's Florida so it could really go either way. So if you'd like to learn more about the event or buy tickets or maybe just wait and see what their safety procedures will be before you buy tickets. I'm just saying vary that, but you can do all those things at their website, which is Spooky empire dot com. Stay safe, Uncle Barry. We love you. Please don't die honestly though. Speaking of dying, the next thing we have coming up is community news bottle. Uh So first up in community news. We've got another virtual show for you. On March 18th, Vancouver Island University student run theater group known as the Seder Players is going to be presenting their 25th annual production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Shadow Cast. Usually the group performs in person, but this year they're hopping on the virtual show bandwagon with the rest of us. Chucks. And they'll be broadcasting a pre-recorded performance for us 25th annual. Wow. Yeah, they've been doing it for fucking ever. That's longer than a lot of casts have been, right. That's longer than a lot of people who are alive on these casts on this podcast. Fuck. So Christopher Carter, the show's director and Resident Brad Majors has really put a lot of care into making sure that this virtual show is every bit as entertaining and fun as the live shows. His cast usually presents are nailed it in an article on BC local news dot com. Christopher states, it's important to make sure we get it as beautiful and right as we possibly can and also just have fun with it because it's really our first time where everyone is on stage and just having fun instead of just sitting home, hoping for something to happen. Carter went on to explain that the cast's original plan was to host a drive in show, but that they ultimately decided to choose a pretaped performance in a theater that way we can at least have some audience in the background, just cheering us on and calling us names Chris. That's so fair. Drive ins are a great time. I love drive-ins so much. I love the honking and the environment and the headlights. It's crazy. But the difference between a show with A P and A show where you're not getting any feedback or energy from the audience is night and day. Yeah, of course, with any show, you as an actor are always doing your best to put as much energy into your performance as you possibly can. Like, that's what makes the show good, but it's infinitely easier to tap into that energy when you're getting it back from the audience. Like, even if it's just a small crowd, you know, since N Y C R H P S and knock over times, we perform every Friday and Saturday year round and obviously there are seasons for Rocky. You know, the fall is really big for Rocky and I feel like the end of spring, early summer with prom season is also really big for us specifically, but then you have like January, February and March where like, nobody is coming to the city in their right mind because it's freezing. And we have pretty small shows during those times. I personally always try to give 100 10% every show that I'm casted for and specifically when I'm Trixy. Uh And of course, again, this is something that happened before COVID, I'm gonna have to think of something new. But when I used to play Trixie, I used to go into the audience and, like, eat people's popcorn and, like, drink out of their water and stuff like that just to give them a little bit more of, like, really intense interaction because I feel like the more interactive you are with your audience, the more likely they are to buy into it. Oh, for sure. I mean, the thing that always jumps out to me is when you're doing the preshow or you're hosting a show and even if that audience is completely full up, if they're not giving you anything, if they're not responding to you, boy, you don't even want to be up there. You know, you're just standing there cursing at them and it's just falling flat. It really helps even if there's just that one guy in the front row who's so excited to be there and is like eyes glued on you the whole time, you can just focus on that one guy. And as long as you're giving a good show to him, you know, that the rest of the crowd is going to enjoy it. One thing that always sticks out to me when I like when this conversation comes up is the importance of the environment that you create with your audience because F N S two in the colder months will bring in a smaller crowd, obviously, and what we try to do is we'll go down the line and just like, chat with the audience, you know, like get them engaged, but see who's feeling like the show more than others and ask them if they want to sit in the front row. Because if you have six people in the front row that are going absolutely crazy and like time warping and doing A P and going ape shit, everyone behind them is going to just be put into that environment even if they didn't intend to, you know, so like the front row can really make a show. And I feel like a lot of times like a boring show has been saved by just like one or two regulars that are just trying to have a good time. That's a great tip. Nicky. Yeah. Yeah, I know. We usually block off our front row. So, yeah, we block off our front row and then we have our second row, which is our front row, right? And, and the times when like our theater oversells and we have to fill that front row, usually it's the people that are like the most excited that we grab to throw up there and yeah. Oh, 100%. It, it works out so much better to have people given that energy back. Yeah, we call the front row the splash zone. Not anymore, I guess. But Carter was sure to mention that even though performances will be a very small gathering, everyone involved will be taking COVID safety precautions to make sure that everyone stays safe, including wearing face shields. My uh favorite part of this article was about Brandon Martel, a student who was involved in last year's production as an assistant stage manager and has been a techie in past years before that, he decided to take the plunge and join in on stage this year as riffraff. So in the article, Brandon says, I've never really been a part of the flamboyant crowd and over the years, I've really come out of my shell and this year I just thought, what the heck I might as well get on stage like, good for you, dude. If there is ever a time to just say fuck it and take the leap. It's definitely now. Yep. Agreed. And especially with Riff as a character, like I feel like Riff is a really good introduction for somebody who has never been kind of part of that crowd. Like I personally, like, I never had a problem, you know, wearing a dress or putting heels or anything like that in the past, but I was a little bit hesitant when I started performing with Rocky to jump into a character that was like Janet, you know, for example, or Trixie or something like that. So I actually did start with Riff and it was a really good segue into, you know, being more comfortable with myself in clothing that's not necessarily abide to my gender role, you know, now I don't give a fuck and I'll wear whatever the fuck I want. But Riley is a really good character for you. Kind of getting comfortable because he's pretty male presenting for the most part until the end where he wears like stockings and heels. So, like, I think it's a really good way. Oh, yeah. I mean, and, and especially if you're not comfortable, you know, being naked on stage, like Brad has to be or if you're, you know, just looking for something that isn't constantly the center of attention, like Frank or some of the other characters. Plus it really helps that like, Magenta can drag you around for half of the show. So even if you don't know the blocking or you, you know, and vice versa, if you're a new performer who wants to start off on Magenta or something, it's always easier to have that kind of dynamic where Riff and Magenta are locked together the whole show and you can essentially just follow the other one around to make sure that, you know, that you're in the right spot to hit your cues. Yeah, he's a, he's a great starter character V I US performance will take place on March 12th at seven PM, Pacific 10 PM Eastern. Tickets are pay what you can because it's important to the cast that they make the performance accessible to everyone. If you'd like to learn more about the V I U Seder players, the performance or if you'd like to buy tickets, you can visit the group's Facebook or show pass dot com page. We've got a link to both of those in our show notes and last but certainly not least. Uh most, I think this is another instance of last and most last and most. We've got another super exciting piece of community news to share. This time it comes from us. We here at Rocky Talkie are so excited to announce that we're going to be hosting community preshow night on Saturday, March 27th at 10 PM Eastern. We're going to be streaming some of our absolute favorite Rocky pre shows. Some of them will be from past conventions, some will be from our casts and some will just be the best ones we found on youtube. And while of course, we've got some top choices picked out. We're asking our listeners and members of the community to send in submissions for videos for us to include. It doesn't have to be strictly like Rocky Horror. Preshow. T M either like if you have favorite musical numbers or skits or like Rocky Horror theme, Tik Toks, other shadow cast performances that you love. Basically, if it could conceivably count as a preshow, just send it in like we're not going to be super picky. The virtual show is about hanging out together as a community and watching some fun shit. If you want to share it, then we'd love to include it. Yeah, if you want to submit a short form video to be included in the preshow night lineup, you can either go to our website that's rocky talky podcast dot com and use the contact us form or you can send us an email at rocky talky podcast at gmail dot com. Feel free to either send us a video file or just a link, Either way works. Also make sure to include your name, your castt affiliation and a cast or creator logo for us to use. If you've got one, we've already gotten some really great submissions and we're hoping for even more. And once again, the show will take place on Saturday, March 27th at 10 PM Eastern on R H P S live dot com. We're so excited and we can't wait to see you there. I'm pumped right. This is gonna be so much fun. Hi Pumped. I'm John. All right. All right, bitch. All right, calm down. It's Nicky asks a question time that time already. I'm Nicky and here's a question. All right. From Jill. Not from me. So welcome to Jill asks a question. It's a good one, John do the thing, the thing, the thing you want me to do the thing, please do the thing. Ok, so Joe writes um No, no, no, no, no, I have another question that I can't believe I hadn't thought to ask before. Because I've been confused about it ever since the first time I watched R H P S. What exactly is Columbia like doing at the castle? I know that she and Magenta were originally one character that she's listed as a groupie and that she sort of like works for Frank along with Riff and Magenta. But I feel like that's all we really know about how she fits into the group. I've heard that her verse in Time Warp is about her being like picked up by Frank. But why? And if it is about Frank, that means he drives a pickup truck, which just feels wrong and she's human, right? She's not an alien, like Frank Riff and Magenta. Maybe this is basic rocky knowledge and I haven't done my research well enough. Or maybe it's just one of those things that doesn't really have a thorough answer. But why try to figure it out on my own when I can just ask you all to do it for me. Thank you so much for answering. I hope you have some fun with it. Ok. Sure. This one's been on my list for a while. I feel like we all have a general idea what the answer to this is gonna look like. But good question. What exactly is Columbia doing at the castle and all the other stuff about her origin? Let's go through it. This is totally one of those questions that we would talk about. At the bar after Rocky, like whenever a new group of people joins the cast, inevitably there's gonna be a night where someone starts asking about the plot of the whole thing. And like when they do half of the old timers just wander off while the most Rocky obsessed asshole in the room, Aaron holds court for the bushy eyed newbies and like over a series of drinks, Aaron, they drop increasingly random Rocky knowledge bombs on the new recruits, you know, stuff like Susan had pneumonia. There's a deleted brad riff butt fuck scene and the castle is now a hotel. I feel so called out guys. Yeah, you should. Well, not like that's ever stopped me. So, uh great question, Jill, let's dig into it. So in the show, you have Colombia's backstory told across a couple of different songss. You've got Time Warp Eddie's Teddy. You've got her blow up at the end of freezing scene and you've got her verse in the floor show. We're gonna walk through this chronologically so we can piece together Columbia's story first up. We've got her verse in time Warp that gives us the earliest frame of reference before Colombia has even met Frank Eddie or anyone else. This is from the original 1973 cast recording. So in isolation, it's pretty straightforward. Like Columbia was picked up by Frank in a truck. She was seduced by his devil eyes and was under his spell. That verse is about Frank. I always thought it was about Eddie. You know, Meg said the exact same thing, but no, it's about Frank E J was absolutely right. Frank would not drive a pickup truck. Um He would in the stage show, this is one of those things that was lost in translation to the film when the show was glamorized and everyone kind of leaned into all of the campier aspects. A busted pickup truck is a fairly common like schlock horror film trope, like driven by the hero, the villain or just used to set the location as like middle America, you know, and Richard was very heavily leaning into all of these tropes, right? But don't take our word for it. Take Tim Curry's, his interpretation of the role on stage was quote more like a truck driver, even though the character was dressed in heels and garters. Dory Hartley, the original Eighth Street. Franken Furter had a very on point way of describing Frank's demeanor, calling him a uh apologies for the slur here. Quote, Faggot Clint Eastwood, not the best choice of words, but like I get the sentiment and remember the plate originally had like a lot grungier of an attitude, a lot more raw. Something that will come up again in a moment. So Frank picks up Columbia and brings her back to the castle where she falls for him at this point. The castle is just a wild party, drugs, sex and the Transylvanian Way and she's just another groupie along for the Frankie ride. How many tickets does it take to ride Frank? If it's like, New Jersey transit you can get on for free, but you got to pay to get off. And at some point, Eddie stumbles into the picture. The delivery boy who brought Frank and company all of their favorite drugs. Sorry. Um, I, up until like two weeks ago on Rocky talkie thought that Eddie was a pizza delivery boy. You know what he is. Yeah. No, he's not because for Riff and probably Frank as well, their favorite drug seems to be morphine. See in over at the Frankenstein Place. Riff's verse. Well, here we'll just play it. This is from the original Australian cast album. No, like, right? So Morphia is a derivative of the name Morpheus. Morpheus is the Greek God of sleep. And the drug morphine is named from Morpheus because it causes sleep. I thought it was a matrix reference. I was in a band called Morphia once I hate both of those things that you just said in Britain amongst the medical community starting around the early 19th century. Morphine was commonly called Morphia. So there you go. And Frank's got band aids and track marks on his arms. It was played down a lot for the film, but they are still present. You can see them in many, many places. And that's also the implication in sweet tea like that. Riff might be a little too in love with the earth drugs that he's so depressed lately because he's been doing too much of Eddie's sweet, sweet morphine or in Nicky's case, eating too much of Eddie's sweet, sweet pizza. This is from the 1997 South African Cast recording. And how do you do? I, you've met nine faithful hand just a little brought down because when you knock the can, but Eddie wasn't the delivery boy they were expecting that night. They ordered Italian Ha. He'd already been to the castle and by that point was locked in the lab in the freezer or the coke machine. If you're watching the stage show and he was missing half of his brain, right? So at some point after picking up Colombia and having a fling with her frank decides to fuck Eddie after all, he has a certain naive charm. You suck Frank getting it on with Eddie annoys the crap out of Colombia. She's also fallen for Eddie. Her verse in Eddie's Teddy tells us that story and this is from everyone's favorite version. The 2016. Let's do the Time War Again remake to me. What is up with these audio samples? Do we not just have the movie soundtrack? What you want to get hit with AD MC? A complaint? Oh, the carry on, right. So this person Eddie's Teddy is Columbia's telling of how Eddie was being abused by everyone as a drug mule as a play thing as a sex toy, she fell for him and tried to create this little island inside the Transylvanian pool of insanity. But Eddie pushed her away and he just dove head first as Doctor Scott later sings in the same song. Eddie always had a penchant for danger. He fell into a spiral of drugs, porn and rock and roll and even Colombia couldn't pull him back from the brink. Right. So at some point after Frank is done playing with Eddie and long after he's already been done with Colombia, Frank decides that he wants to build Rocky and well, he's got a drugged out ex delivery boy just lounging about the place Frank's done with Eddie and he sure shit doesn't care that Columbia's into him since he's already lost interest in her as well. Right. This whole story is actually foretold very early in the stage show, but he's cut from the movie to make Eddie's reveal even more dramatic in the show as Brad and Janet enter the castle. This exchange happens. This example is from the 2015 Rocky Horror Show Live BBC broadcast. It's all right, Janet. Excuse me. Hi. Uh, look, if, if we could just use your phone, we'll move right along. I'm sure you got lots of things to do and a great evening planned. Oh, yes. You've arrived on a rather special night. The master is having one of his affairs. Lucky old him. Yeah, he's lucky. I'm lucky. You're lucky. We're all lucky. I'll accept daddy Eddie. The delivery boy, his delivery wasn't good enough. The master only wanted to help the boy better his position. Oh, that's very commendable. Yes. It seems like only yesterday since he went where? Two pieces. Jeez spoilers much. Yeah, they established Eddie a lot earlier in the stage show. Originally they planned in the shooting script for the movie to have an abbreviated version of this exchange take place in the lab right after Eddie exits the freezer, it may have even been filmed. We'll probably never know. It's certainly not in the movie. Yeah. And after Eddie and Columbia get in one final dance, we see Frank kill Eddie after Ho Patuti and in the movie, Magenta cooks him up for dinner at dinner. Colombia loses her shit and eventually we get her rant at the end of the freezing scene which I've got to say if you haven't ever seen the stage show, it is one of the funniest bits in the entire show. Remember in the show, everyone isn't turned to stone instead they're drugged. Colombia's reaction is scripted to be a really weird trip and it's almost always used as an opportunity for Colombia to improvise here. Take a listen to Little Nell's version from the 2020 live stream put on by the Wisconsin Democrats. My God. I can't take any more of this first. You burn me for Eddie and then you throw it off like an old overcoat for Rocky. You, you chew people up and then spit them out. I loved you. Do you hear me? I love you. And what did I get for it? A big nothing. No. You like a sponge? You take, take, take and drain others of their love and emotion. Yeah. Well, I've had enough of it. You've got to choose between me and Rocky so called for who, who, who, who, who? Wow. Wait, wait, wait. Oh, groovy. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, this is crazy. Wait and oh, this is a hell of a trip. Oh my God. This is freaky. OK. Ok. Oh my God. This is a great trip. I'm out of here. See you later. Bye. Every Colombia is so proud of themselves when they scream that whole monologue. I've seen everything from Columbia singing verses from R. Kelly's. I believe I can fly to the looney tunes. That's all folks to one version where the actress literally sings the entire chorus to Cardi Bs wop. Before wandering off stage. It's a great time. I mean, like she explains it pretty clearly. Yeah. The, the entire story. Bam right there first Frank trades her in for Eddie then dumps him in the trash literally when he makes Rocky, she loved him and he didn't care. And if you still missed it, we've got a whole recap a few minutes later in Colombia's four show verse though. This one hints that Colombia was in a really dark place. That's probably why she acts like a pretty teenager for the entire movie. Hey, I take a fence for all you teenagers out there. Go clean your room. I guarantee you it needs to be clean. Am I right? Nikki? No, I actually rearranged it yesterday. Thank you though. I don't believe you. Anyway, let's listen to this four shows. The fuck was that this can't be right? The 1991 Icelandic Cast album. I feel like I just had a stroke. I'm sorry, English, please. Oh, ok. Sure. Yeah. No shit. Wait. God damn it. That's from the punk rock album, right? Sure. Is, that album sucks. Sure does. There's like two good songs. Yep. Regardless. It doesn't matter the language or the musical genre you get the same story. Like Columbia was so happy when she first came to the castle being a good little groupie putting out getting high and tip tapping her nights away. But it all went sour when Frank Made Rocky and she's been in a really dark place ever since. Yeah. She was like despondent after Frank started working on Rocky, she's descended into this depressed world where only her love of a certain dope gives her anything to live for is the dope Eddie or like drugs. I imagine that it was Eddie. And then like after Frank, you know, slid his brain in half and dumped him in a freezer in order to make Rocky, I'm thinking it was probably the drugs either way, she is clearly given up poor girl put on her pajamas at like six PM and doesn't bother to change for the entire rest of the movie. Well, until Frank freezes her and makes her sing and dance and then she meets a bitter end, murdered by riffraff in the stage show. She jumps in front of Frank to save him from the lasers. So, I mean, she still loves him and she's clearly a human, right? Not an alien, like Frank Riff and Magenta. That's why she just crumbles and dies, right? She is a human groupie. Are you sure that Columbia isn't a Bard or like maybe a rogue or a fighter? No, a groupie fucking Bards worthless class. You shut your mouth. Well, let's talk about the Bard. It's hard to be the Bod Shakespeare, Shakespeare. No, Richard o'brien. Wow. I fucking hate you so much. Love you too. So Joe's got this detail right as well though Richard o'brien initially conceived the plot with only one female servant, she was named Columbia and we can see her listed in the earliest forms of Richard o'brien's notes that are published in the Rocky Horror scrapbook. However, she is hastily penciled into the list of characters and is credited with singing science fiction double feature at the show's opening. In this sense, a character named Columbia existed first. However, she was doing an amalgamation of the actions that Colombia and Magenta do in the final show. Rumor has it that 19 sixties singer Marianne faithful at one point wanted to be in the show and sing its opening song. This rumor has become the stuff of Rocky horror folklore. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, not another mystery. No, not like those. This was basically a rumor even when it originally happened. So exact timelines and details differ from one account to the other. You've got to remember this was all before the show had even opened or been fully cast. It was very early on in the creative process. What the accounts do have in common is that it seems that Jim Sharman advocated the creation of a completely new role to accommodate the possibility of like a celebrity casting, you know, like stunt casting, Richard o'brien was annoyed by this request and was very perplexed about how to invent a whole new character and like magically integrate her into the show. So he did what all Rocky people would do. He completely half assed it. He split the female servant role and dialogue into two separate parts separate, but definitely unequal. He only gave magenta literally four lines, funny funny story about that. Patricia Quinn auditioned for the show. And after hearing science fiction double feature, she was super eager to accept the usherette role, the one that would sing the song, her agent warned her to take it slow in case the character was just a four line part and advised that she first take a look at the script before making any kind of decision. So when Pat finally saw the script, she was thrilled to see science fiction double feature in all of its glory. But she also saw that indeed, Magenta only had like four lines of dialogue. She didn't care. She said, quote, I don't give a shit. I'm going to do it because it's the best song I ever heard. That's my Patricia Quinn was really, it was really good. And really British British. In other interviews, Pat admitted that she hadn't been all that enthusiastic to play the domestic on one occasion. She said, quote, she did have to hang about a lot, Magenta, but it's really wonderful to create some thing because you're it all that come after. They're just pretending to be it though. Some of them have been awfully good. She's right. Like Magenta sure does just fucking stand around a lot. There's so many chances to just fuck off or, you know, make the character your own. I know that like when I play Magenta, the majority of the stuff that I'm doing is like, not accurate to her at all because I don't like to just exist on stage. You know, I like people to pay attention to me, especially if I'm being a mini character, but at the same time, not take away from the action at hand on stage. So like, there's this one time that I remember where I was playing Magenta and I think Savannah was playing Riff. So we, we swapped our, our traditional roles. Like I'm usually Riff and Savannah is usually Magenta. At that point, the scene was Planet Schmidt and Riff and Magenta are just kind of like standing in the background for the majority of that scene until she starts yelling at Frank, which is half of her lines in the entire movie. And I'm pretty sure they're like, I think I like bent over and Samantha just started like butt fucking me on stage while everything was happening or like sometimes in the middle of a scene, I'll just purposely remove myself from the stage and just like sit down in the front row until I'm ready to do a thing again. Or like, I'll come on stage and I'll like, pick my nose and flick it at the audience again before COVID or, you know, if it's any scene that has Magenta that is during or after dinner, I'll like pick toast up on the floor and put it in my underwear and then pull it out during Planet Man and start eating it. Sometimes I'll give the mop a uh a hand job while I'm waiting for a riff to fuck with the monster. Like sometimes I'll fall asleep during Frank's creation speech. Like, as you can tell, there's many things that I do as Magenta because she doesn't do anything the entire movie, man, can we, can we talk about real quick? Like not to give away the secret, but like my favorite part of doing Freezing scene is Riff is just that, like every Magenta decides to just bend over and give you a lap dance while you're standing there. Like it doesn't matter if you're five ft away by the time she's got to bend over and flip the switch, she has worked her way over to you and is just like, hm, let me get up on that. You know, like my cast is very different. When I play Magenta for N Y C, we call it Magenta because I don't even play Magenta. I play a very masculine magenta like I keep the beard and I'm just a dude in a dress when I play Magenta as opposed to like when I play like, Janet, I try to act feminine, I act more Janet like, but with Magenta, I turn into like this big chaos Gremlin who just exists to destroy the show as best as I can. And it turned out like the way that I portray Magenta just because she just kind of stands there a lot and just exists for a majority of the movie. Uh the way that I portray Magenta kind of elevates her to be one of my favorite characters to perform. Yeah, that's good. I mean, you, you, you got to find the thing that makes it entertaining, right. It kind of sounds like Pat tried to do that. I mean, I certainly know every Magenta does now great examples that you just gave. But the important thing is that you want to be from a shadow caster, from a leadership perspective, you want to be able to make a character your own without overstepping the other characters that are main in that scene. You know, like I've seen so many performers that just, they ruin a scene because they go so big as a minor character that it overshadows like the creation speech or like Doctor Scott's monologue that happens during Planet Man with, with Brad and you know, projecting it through space like you gotta, you gotta be able to make yourself memorable without overstepping those boundaries. Oh man, dude, funny example of that. Did you know that when uh the stage show moved to Los Angeles for the Roxy showing that they had Tim Curry, right? And they had some of the other actors who were, had already done it. But most of the cast they brought in and they were all these like Hollywood actors who were like up and coming stage show, whatever. So the first show that they ever did of it, Tim Curry comes out and he's doing his thing and everybody else because they're like these Hollywood me me me actors thinks that they have to upstage him and they do this by literally upstaging him by walking closer and closer to the front of the stage to do all of their stuff. But Tim being the consummate actor that is, he just stands in the back and is like, fuck you all and waits for them all to inch their way back so that they're back to where they're supposed to be and they're not trying to literally upstage him. I love that so much funny story, man, funny story. So that was that Richard split the role. Magenta got her four lines and Columbia shifted from servant to the tap dancing group. We all know today her character would get flushed out further during rehearsals. Wait, but I remember from a few weeks back in Rayner Burton's book, he was the original Rocky in the stage show. He talks about Columbia being created second. And this whole story about how Jim Sharman saw Little Nell Busting and wanted Richard to write her a role. Yeah. No. So in the book, even Rayner admits that story is a fanciful legend that he prefers to believe since it's a nice story. So fake news. Unfortunately, it's not really all that true. Little Nell was certainly known by Jim Sharman and Brian Thompson before they even started doing Rocky. They ran in the same circles and they were all Australian expats, right? Nell was well known to just busk all the time for fun, just tap dancing on the street for some extra cash and well, just because she's now but the story about the role being created for her, that's, that's kind of just a story. And his insistence that the Magenta character was created first can easily be attributed to how much of the actual meat of the role was transferred over to Magenta. Instead of just staying with the character that would be named Columbia, right? As pat lamented, Magenta might stand around a lot, but she stands around for a purpose. She's the maid after all. And the actual Transylvanian Magenta is the more central character to the plot, even though pretty much all of the dialogue and character development stayed with Columbia. That's why when Rayner Burton wasn't able to play Rocky on the final night of the theater upstairs production, Jim Sharman thought Nell could play Rocky, recognizing that it made much more sense to have Magenta. Ad Lib Columbia's lines rather than the other way around. Yeah. And plus with the entire like, which was first thing you're basically just talking about the order that the names are created in. And we know Columbia was the first name from the scrapbook pictures of Richard's original notes. In fact, while we're talking about names, did you guys know Riff was originally named Joe Vitus. What's that? A reference to, it's a mashup of sixties British rock singer, Joe Cocker and the name of a neurological disorder that causes spasmodic muscle convulsions, you know, commonly known as the Saint Vitus Dance. Cocker Vitus. I like Riff raff better. I have a question. Who can? This is so bad. This is so bad. The, the, the Riff, the Riff Raff, the guy, not the movie guy. The, the guy with the teeth and the Yeah. Yeah. You know who I'm talking about? Yeah. My goal is to blow up and act like, I don't know. What's that about? I don't know. I guess maybe that's next week's Nicky question. What the fuck are you guys talking? There's like a rapper guy. His name is. Yeah, he's like a personality. He's ridiculous. Yeah, it's probably a stage name at me because, you know, like Riff Raff Street Rat, I don't buy that. It's probably like that, you know, but it might be, he might be a secret Rocky fan. No, it could be it. No, Aaron, you're the one who does all the uh all the research for Nick. He asks a question and maybe you should research that. I think we should do an episode about Riff Raff. Yeah. No, guys. Stop it. You were talking about Hot Christian Simko. He was formerly a member of the rap group Three Loco along with Andy Milanna and Dirty Nasty. But he reunited on his Ballowe 20. That's our show. Yeah, we want to thank Joe for writing in. We love you, Jill Me especially and we all really appreciate how much you support us in our show. If you're enjoying Rocky Talkie, please help us spread the word all about it. All you gotta do is rate, review and subscribe on itunes. It helps us make our podcast more visible to new listeners, which helps us to grow the show. We're on Facebook, Instagram and tiktok all at Rocky Talky podcast. So please go check us out if you like us and want more content and please write to us. We love hearing from all of our listeners, getting messages from you makes our whole entire week, especially when it's you, Jill. We can't wait to hear about all the cool Rocky stuff you're working on and all the upcoming special events your casts are getting ready to do. We want to share it on our show and help you spread the word. If you're working on a rocky related project that you're excited about, if your cast is doing a show and you want to spread the word or if you've got an amazing story from your Rocky horror career, please go to our website rocky talky podcast dot com and fill out our contact form to share with us and please don't forget to send in your videos for community preshow night. Yeah, we'll talk to you all next week. Bye. My goal is to blow up and act like I don't know nobody. Uh So his debut studio album, Neon Icon was released June 24th, 2014 with Mad Descent in April 2016. He had the partner. It, I had no idea that he rapped with Andy Milin. That is the funniest shit I've ever heard in my life. I'm literally just reading the Wikipedia page. Wait, so what's the difference between Colombia and Colombia? The country Columbia is C O L OMB I A There's an O in there. Yeah. Whatever. Whatever one of them is like amazing for cocaine. The other one is a country in South America. Whatever I'm done. Recording. Well, see you take a sip of the Snapple. Thanks, Cobweb. Thanks. What the hell? I thought that was Aaron. No, it was. Ok. We love that. You guys are still plugging along with new show dates and we're very hopeful that sometime soon they'll stick. Speaking of things that are sticky from April 30 to May 2nd 2021 according to their website Spooky Empire has according to John, just the cat. Yeah, we're gonna fix that. I love you. So Christopher Carter, who is the show's director and the Resident Brad Majors has really put a lot of care into making sure that their virtual show is every bit as entertaining and fun as the live shows are. I ran out of breath and I was like, how do I save this? Ok. I got to take out a fucking deep breath for this one. So, all right, Johnny, we can do this from G not me. So welcome to Jill. Asks a question. Boo boo zip zap whammy or whatever. Anyway, it's a good one, John do the thing. I'm gonna take it again. What the fuck is that line? Boop Boop zip Sam Whammy Z Z top of going down the I, I just wanted to see if you'd read it er is going to start putting dumb shit into the script like whatever you put down so like my tiny little nipples went to France. It will be like in the middle of community news and Nick, he's going to fucking read it. I do not read the things before I say them clearly. OK? We're doing it one more time. I'm not doing your stupid fucking scat or whatever that is. Oh shaming that a different kind of only fans account from Jill. Not for me. So welcome to Jill, ask a question. This is from the original 1973 cast recording while I was tapping down the street. I would really rather die. Um He would in the stage show won't fucking do it. Nicky. Can you take that line again? I'm sorry. I, I missed my line. Uh He would in the stage show. Oh Yeah, my tiny little nipples went to France, right? So this is one of those things that was lost in the translation to the film. God damn it. I had to, I had to, did she, did she have a line between there? OK? Just like, oh yeah. My tiny little nibbles with the friends. Yeah. This is one of the things that was just lost in translation of the film. Nicky just starts like regularly incorporating complete non sequiturs into her script and we just pass them off like they make sense. So when Jim Sharman did his thing, I pooped and then he said, oh bitch darkness, right? So Morphia is a derivative of the name Morpheus. I I love her version of this because it's, do you guys remember this because she does this. Yes. Everybody shoved him. I very nearly loved him. I said, hey, listen to me. It's just, you know everything about her. Columbia stresses me out. I remember like because I really like the, but she opens it up with like, and it's like, bro, I love Anal Ashford and she can do no wrong this included. And we know Columbia was the first name from the scrapbook pictures of Richard's original notes. She was named after o'brien's most favorite country. You guys so much, you know Colombia because Nick doesn't know the difference between Colombia and Colombia. That was a joke. Yeah. See, because Nicky is stupid, Chris. Hey, fun fact. While we're talking about names, did you guys know Riff was originally named Joe Vita. What to Joe Biden? Joe Viti Vitis with a V what is that a reference to? Uh it's uh oh no, that's John's line. Um The book
Hello to all you unconventional conventions out there. Welcome to Rocky Talkie the show where we talk about anything and everything related to Rocky Horror. I'm Aaron

I am John

we have an amazing show lined up for you guys today. We're super excited to go through some global news, some community news and an awesome question for Nicky asked the question. But first off, let's talk about what did we do this week, John, what were you up to?

didn't really do much this week, Aaron. However, the combination of Un bite Stimmy check that's gonna be coming out as well as my tax return. I decided to jump the gun and buy a $1100 camera.

, which one was it? I

the, the Sony Alpha 6400 and ended up being like $1083 after tax and then I had to buy like a cam link and stuff for like my stream setup because I'm using it as my like webcam uh for, for streaming but also for like pretty picture taking and for, you know, other things.

nice getting some high quality only fans content.

, Exactly. You know my vibes.

. How about you? What have you been up to?

very excited. Um, I don't. Hi John. So this week I decided I've been wanting to do this thing for a while and I haven't done it because I've been nervous about like putting the money down for it and regretting it. And this week I was like, no, this week I was like, fuck it. Shut up men. I finally put together a Scarlet Witch cosplay. The rest is coming in in the mail. I have some of it. I'm so freaking excited. I'm gonna be so hot. Oh my God. Yeah, that's it. Who's


Maximov, Wanda Vision, Elizabeth Olson.

spoilers. Nicky

the comics.

cancel Nicky.

, that sounds awesome. I'm super excited to see you in that. That sounds so cool. I'm so excited. Is it just for Halloween? Just because you want some cosplay around or you got an event?

don't really have an event or anything. I don't leave my house but I do want to like do like photo shoots. Maybe I can make some like Tik Toks and just to like wear in my kitchen while I cook and just feel alive.

Scarlet Witch only fans is what I'm hearing

Witch into kit for today. I


, well, I've also had a good week. I didn't buy anything super expensive. Didn't uh get any new costumes but uh, I have been watching a lot of news, radio reruns, uh, finally got Meg into that. I absolutely love the show. I love all the crappy sitcoms from like the mid nineties and whatever. And, you know, this is the one where, like, they're all radio station hosts and it's got Andy Dick and, and a bunch of other fantastic, uh, comedians. It's a good show. I'm really enjoying it and brings me back. It brings me back to, you know, when I was 13, 14 years old. You know, it's Friday nights, Thursday nights it comes on before the Drew Carey show. So I sit down and watch it with my family and they're 20 minutes. So it's fantastic to, to check them out now and you don't have to worry about. Oh, I got too far into it because they're one offs, right? So, I love,

love that out of all the, uh, incredible talent that is in news radio. The one person that you pointed out was Andy Dick.

the only thing that he has ever done that. I like him in, like, by, by far my favorite in that show is, is Phil Hartman, like unquestionably. He plays, uh, Bill mcneil, like the, the biggest asshole, like radio guy on that. So, obviously I connect with him the most as a character, of course. Uh, but no, Andy Andy Dick's hilarious in it. He's like he does. Pratt falls constantly and it's the only thing I can stand him in so, you know, worth, I'll take it. All right with that. Let's move on over to our first segment. It's time for some global news. No, it's



right. Starting off our global news segment. We've got some new Rocky horror show UK tour dates added to the current schedule. The production has announced this week that they're going to be performing at the Blackpool Winter Gardens on Saturday, December 11th, 2021 and at the new theater in Cardiff on Saturday, February 12th, 2022. So

of right now, the touring production has plans to make its return to the stage with a five night run at the whole new theater in Kingston Square which begins on Monday, April 5th. Although both the company and the theater are very outspoken about their uncertainty that the performance will actually take place

always. We're hoping for the best for the company. We love that you guys are still plugging along with new show dates and we're very hopeful that sometime soon they'll stick. Speaking of things that are sticky if you just haven't gotten enough of Uncle Barry's beautiful face through all his galaxy con appearances. We've got some wonderful news for you. Barry Bostwick is scheduled to make an in person appearance for meet and greets at Spooky Empire Convention in Orlando, Florida from April 30th to May 2nd 2021 according to their website, Spooky Empire has been delivering the best sights, sounds and screams to Halloween lovers since 2003 and features an enormous room of vendors, a film and tattoo festival, celebrity speakers and more to satiate even the most diehard aficionados of the spooky season.

Spooky again. Nikki. No. OK. You said it? Yeah. OK. Bye.

they've hosted the premier convention in the southeastern United States twice per year, once in the spring and the other all out mega convention near Halloween, the spring 2021 convention is planned, like we said for April 30th through May 2nd at the Wyndham Orlando Resort. But we

feel it's worth noting that Spooky Empire, which is just such a great name has yet to comment on how they're going to be making such a large event safe. Although the convention is still like nearly two months away. So it is possible they could still be working on it.

mean, it's Florida so it could really go either way.

if you'd like to learn more about the event or buy tickets

maybe just wait and see what their safety procedures will be before you buy tickets. I'm just

vary that, but you can do all those things at their website, which is Spooky empire dot com.

safe, Uncle Barry. We love you. Please don't die

though. Speaking of dying, the next thing we have coming up is community news bottle. Uh So first up in community news. We've got another virtual show for you. On March 18th, Vancouver Island University student run theater group known as the Seder Players is going to be presenting their 25th annual production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Shadow Cast. Usually the group performs in person, but this year they're hopping on the virtual show bandwagon with the rest of us. Chucks. And they'll be broadcasting a pre-recorded performance for

25th annual. Wow.

, they've been doing it for fucking ever.

longer than a lot of casts have been, right. That's longer

a lot of people who are alive on these casts

this podcast.

. So Christopher Carter, the show's director and Resident Brad Majors has really put a lot of care into making sure that this virtual show is every bit as entertaining and fun as the live shows. His cast usually presents are nailed it in an article on BC local news dot com. Christopher states, it's important to make sure we get it as beautiful and right as we possibly can and also just have fun with it because it's really our first time where everyone is on stage and just having fun instead of just sitting home, hoping for something to happen.

went on to explain that the cast's original plan was to host a drive in show, but that they ultimately decided to choose a pretaped performance in a theater that way we can at least have some audience in the background, just cheering us on and calling us names Chris. That's so fair. Drive ins are a great time. I love drive-ins so much. I love the honking and the environment and the headlights. It's crazy. But the difference between a show with A P and A show where you're not getting any feedback or energy from the audience is night and day. Yeah, of

, with any show, you as an actor are always doing your best to put as much energy into your performance as you possibly can. Like, that's what makes the show good, but it's infinitely easier to tap into that energy when you're getting it back from the audience. Like, even if it's just a small crowd, you know, since N Y C R H P S and knock over times, we perform every Friday and Saturday year round and obviously there are seasons for Rocky. You know, the fall is really big for Rocky and I feel like the end of spring, early summer with prom season is also really big for us specifically, but then you have like January, February and March where like, nobody is coming to the city in their right mind because it's freezing. And we have pretty small shows during those times. I personally always try to give 100 10% every show that I'm casted for and specifically when I'm Trixy. Uh And of course, again, this is something that happened before COVID, I'm gonna have to think of something new. But when I used to play Trixie, I used to go into the audience and, like, eat people's popcorn and, like, drink out of their water and stuff like that just to give them a little bit more of, like, really intense interaction because I feel like the more interactive you are with your audience, the more likely they are to buy into it.

, for sure. I mean, the thing that always jumps out to me is when you're doing the preshow or you're hosting a show and even if that audience is completely full up, if they're not giving you anything, if they're not responding to you, boy, you don't even want to be up there. You know, you're just standing there cursing at them and it's just falling flat. It really helps even if there's just that one guy in the front row who's so excited to be there and is like eyes glued on you the whole time, you can just focus on that one guy. And as long as you're giving a good show to him, you know, that the rest of the crowd is going to enjoy it. One

that always sticks out to me when I like when this conversation comes up is the importance of the environment that you create with your audience because F N S two in the colder months will bring in a smaller crowd, obviously, and what we try to do is we'll go down the line and just like, chat with the audience, you know, like get them engaged, but see who's feeling like the show more than others and ask them if they want to sit in the front row. Because if you have six people in the front row that are going absolutely crazy and like time warping and doing A P and going ape shit, everyone behind them is going to just be put into that environment even if they didn't intend to, you know, so like the front row can really make a show. And I feel like a lot of times like a boring show has been saved by just like one or two regulars that are just trying to have a good time.

a great tip. Nicky. Yeah. Yeah, I know. We usually block off our front row. So,

, we block off our front row and then we have our second row, which is our front row,

? And, and the times when like our theater oversells and we have to fill that front row, usually it's the people that are like the most excited that we grab to throw up there and yeah. Oh, 100%. It, it works out so much better to have people given that energy back.

, we call the front row the splash zone.

anymore, I guess.

Carter was sure to mention that even though performances will be a very small gathering, everyone involved will be taking COVID safety precautions to make sure that everyone stays safe, including wearing face shields.

uh favorite part of this article was about Brandon Martel, a student who was involved in last year's production as an assistant stage manager and has been a techie in past years before that, he decided to take the plunge and join in on stage this year as riffraff. So in the article, Brandon says, I've never really been a part of the flamboyant crowd and over the years, I've really come out of my shell and this year I just thought, what the heck I might as well get on stage like, good for you, dude. If there is ever a time to just say fuck it and take the leap. It's definitely now. Yep.

. And especially with Riff as a character, like I feel like Riff is a really good introduction for somebody who has never been kind of part of that crowd. Like I personally, like, I never had a problem, you know, wearing a dress or putting heels or anything like that in the past, but I was a little bit hesitant when I started performing with Rocky to jump into a character that was like Janet, you know, for example, or Trixie or something like that. So I actually did start with Riff and it was a really good segue into, you know, being more comfortable with myself in clothing that's not necessarily abide to my gender role, you know, now I don't give a fuck and I'll wear whatever the fuck I want. But Riley is a really good character for you. Kind of getting comfortable because he's pretty male presenting for the most part until the end where he wears like stockings and heels. So, like, I think it's a really good way. Oh,

. I mean, and, and especially if you're not comfortable, you know, being naked on stage, like Brad has to be or if you're, you know, just looking for something that isn't constantly the center of attention, like Frank or some of the other characters. Plus it really helps that like, Magenta can drag you around for half of the show. So even if you don't know the blocking or you, you know, and vice versa, if you're a new performer who wants to start off on Magenta or something, it's always easier to have that kind of dynamic where Riff and Magenta are locked together the whole show and you can essentially just follow the other one around to make sure that, you know, that you're in the right spot to hit your cues.

, he's a, he's a great starter character V

US performance will take place on March 12th at seven PM, Pacific 10 PM Eastern. Tickets are pay what you can because it's important to the cast that they make the performance accessible to everyone. If you'd like to learn more about the V I U Seder players, the performance or if you'd like to buy tickets, you can visit the group's Facebook or show pass dot com page. We've got a link to both of those in our show notes and last but certainly not least.

most, I think this is another instance of last and most

and most. We've got another super exciting piece of community news to share. This time it comes from us. We here at Rocky Talkie are so excited to announce that we're going to be hosting community preshow night on Saturday, March 27th at 10 PM Eastern. We're going to be streaming some of our absolute favorite Rocky pre shows. Some of them will be from past conventions, some will be from our casts and some will just be the best ones we found on

. And while of course, we've got some top choices picked out. We're asking our listeners and members of the community to send in submissions for videos for us to include. It doesn't have to be strictly like Rocky Horror. Preshow. T M either like if you have favorite musical numbers or skits or like Rocky Horror theme, Tik Toks, other shadow cast performances that you love. Basically, if it could conceivably count as a preshow, just send it in like we're not going to be super picky. The virtual show is about hanging out together as a community and watching some fun shit. If you want to share it, then we'd love to include it.

, if you want to submit a short form video to be included in the preshow night lineup, you can either go to our website that's rocky talky podcast dot com and use the contact us form or you can send us an email at rocky talky podcast at gmail dot com. Feel free to either send us a video file or just a link, Either way works. Also make sure to include your name, your castt affiliation and a cast or creator logo for us to use. If you've got one, we've already gotten some really great submissions and we're hoping for even more. And once again, the show will take place on Saturday, March 27th at 10 PM Eastern on R H P S live dot com. We're so excited and we can't wait to see you there. I'm pumped right. This is gonna be so much fun. Hi

. I'm John. All right. All right, bitch.

right, calm down. It's Nicky asks a question time

time already.

Nicky and here's a question. All right. From Jill. Not from me. So welcome to Jill asks a question. It's a good one, John do the thing,

thing, the thing you want me to do the thing, please do the thing. Ok, so Joe writes

No, no, no, no, no,

have another question

I can't believe I hadn't

to ask

. Because I've been confused about it ever since the first time I watched R H P S. What exactly is Columbia like doing at the castle? I know that she and Magenta were originally one character that she's listed as a groupie and that she sort of like works for Frank along with Riff and Magenta. But I feel like that's all we really know about how she fits into the group. I've heard that her verse in Time Warp is about her being like picked up by Frank. But why? And if it is about Frank, that means he drives a pickup truck, which just feels wrong and she's human, right? She's not an alien, like Frank Riff and Magenta. Maybe this is basic rocky knowledge and I haven't done my research well enough. Or maybe it's just one of those things that doesn't really have a thorough answer. But why try to figure it out on my own when I can just ask you all to do it for me. Thank you so much for answering. I hope you have some fun with it.

. Sure. This one's been on my list for a while. I feel like we all have a general idea what the answer to this is gonna look like. But good question. What exactly is Columbia doing at the castle and all the other stuff about her origin? Let's go through it. This

totally one of those questions that we would talk about. At the bar after Rocky, like whenever a new group of people joins the cast, inevitably there's gonna be a night where someone starts asking about the plot of the whole thing. And like when they do half of the old timers just wander off while the most Rocky obsessed asshole in the room, Aaron holds court for the bushy eyed newbies and like over a series of drinks, Aaron, they drop increasingly random Rocky knowledge bombs on the new recruits,

know, stuff like Susan had pneumonia. There's a deleted brad riff butt fuck scene and the castle is now a hotel.

feel so called out guys.

, you

. Well, not like that's ever stopped me. So, uh great question, Jill, let's dig into it. So in the show, you have Colombia's backstory told across a couple of different songss. You've got Time Warp Eddie's Teddy. You've got her blow up at the end of freezing scene and you've got her verse in the floor show. We're

walk through this chronologically so we can piece together Columbia's story first

. We've got her verse in time Warp that gives us the earliest frame of reference before Colombia has even met Frank Eddie or anyone else. This is from the original 1973 cast recording.

in isolation, it's pretty straightforward. Like Columbia was picked up by Frank in a truck. She was seduced by his devil eyes and was under his spell. That verse

about Frank. I always thought it was about Eddie.

know, Meg said the exact same thing, but no, it's about Frank E

was absolutely right. Frank would not drive a pickup truck.

He would in the stage show, this is one of those things that was lost in translation to the film when the show was glamorized and everyone kind of leaned into all of the campier aspects. A

pickup truck is a fairly common like schlock horror film trope, like driven by the hero, the villain or just used to set the location as like middle America, you know, and Richard was very heavily leaning into all of these tropes,

? But don't take our word for it. Take Tim Curry's, his interpretation of the role on stage was quote more like a truck driver, even though the character was dressed in heels and garters. Dory Hartley, the original Eighth Street. Franken Furter had a very on point way of describing Frank's demeanor, calling him a uh apologies for the slur here. Quote, Faggot Clint Eastwood,

the best choice of words, but like I get the sentiment and remember the plate originally had like a lot grungier of an attitude, a lot more raw. Something that will come up again in a moment.

Frank picks up Columbia and brings her back to the castle where she falls for him at this point. The castle is just a wild party, drugs, sex and the Transylvanian Way

she's just another groupie along for the Frankie ride. How many tickets

it take to ride

? If it's like, New Jersey transit you can get on for free, but you got to pay to get off. And at some point, Eddie stumbles into the picture.

delivery boy who brought Frank and company all of their favorite drugs.

. Um, I, up until like two weeks ago on Rocky talkie thought that Eddie was a pizza delivery boy.

know what he is.

. No, he's not because for Riff and probably Frank as well, their favorite drug seems to be morphine. See in over at the Frankenstein Place. Riff's verse. Well, here we'll just play it. This is from the original Australian cast album. No,

, right? So Morphia is a derivative of the name Morpheus. Morpheus is the Greek God of sleep. And the drug morphine is named from Morpheus because it

sleep. I thought it was a matrix reference.

was in a band called Morphia once

hate both of those things that you just said in Britain amongst the medical community starting around the early 19th century. Morphine was commonly called Morphia.

there you go.

Frank's got band aids and track marks on his arms. It was played down a lot for the film, but they are still present. You can see them in many, many places.

that's also the implication in sweet tea like that. Riff might be a little too in love with the earth drugs that he's so depressed lately because he's been doing too much of Eddie's sweet, sweet morphine or in Nicky's case, eating too much of Eddie's sweet, sweet pizza. This is from the 1997 South African Cast recording. And how do you do?

, you've met nine faithful hand just a little brought down because when you knock the can,

Eddie wasn't the delivery boy they were expecting that night. They ordered Italian Ha. He'd already been to the castle and by that point was locked in the lab in the freezer or the coke machine. If you're watching the stage show and he was missing half of his brain,

? So at some point after picking up Colombia and having a fling with her frank decides to fuck Eddie

all, he has a certain naive charm. You suck

getting it on with Eddie annoys the crap out of Colombia. She's also fallen for Eddie. Her verse in Eddie's Teddy tells us that story and this is from everyone's favorite version. The 2016. Let's do the Time War Again remake

me. What is up with these audio samples? Do we not just have the movie soundtrack?

you want to get hit with AD MC? A complaint?

, the carry on,

. So this person Eddie's Teddy is Columbia's telling of how Eddie was being abused by everyone as a drug mule as a play thing as a sex toy, she fell for him and tried to create this little island inside the Transylvanian pool of insanity. But Eddie pushed her away and he just dove head first

Doctor Scott later sings in the same song. Eddie always had a penchant for danger. He fell into a spiral of drugs, porn and rock and roll and even Colombia couldn't pull him back from the brink.

. So at some point after Frank is done playing with Eddie and long after he's already been done with Colombia, Frank decides that he wants to build Rocky

well, he's got a drugged out ex delivery boy just lounging about the place Frank's done with Eddie and he sure shit doesn't care that Columbia's into him since he's already lost interest in her as well.

. This whole story is actually foretold very early in the stage show, but he's cut from the movie to make Eddie's reveal even more dramatic in the show as Brad and Janet enter the castle. This exchange happens. This example is from the 2015 Rocky Horror Show Live BBC broadcast. It's

right, Janet. Excuse me. Hi. Uh, look, if, if we could just use your phone, we'll move right along. I'm sure you got lots of things to do and a great evening planned. Oh,

. You've arrived on a rather special night. The master is having one of his affairs.

old him. Yeah, he's lucky. I'm lucky. You're lucky. We're all lucky. I'll accept daddy Eddie. The delivery boy, his delivery wasn't good

. The master only wanted to help the boy better his position. Oh,

very commendable. Yes. It seems like only yesterday since he went where? Two pieces.


. Yeah, they established Eddie a lot earlier in the stage show. Originally they planned in the shooting script for the movie to have an abbreviated version of this exchange take place in the lab right after Eddie exits the freezer, it may have even been filmed. We'll probably never know. It's certainly not in the movie. Yeah.

after Eddie and Columbia get in one final dance, we see Frank kill Eddie after Ho Patuti and

the movie, Magenta cooks him up for dinner at dinner. Colombia loses her shit and eventually we get her rant at the end of the freezing scene

I've got to say if you haven't ever seen the stage show, it is one of the funniest bits in the entire show. Remember in the show, everyone isn't turned to stone instead they're drugged. Colombia's reaction is scripted to be a really weird trip and it's almost always used as an opportunity for Colombia to improvise here. Take a listen to Little Nell's version from the 2020 live stream put on by the Wisconsin Democrats. My

. I can't take any more of this first. You burn me for Eddie and then you throw it off like an old overcoat for Rocky. You, you chew people up and then spit them out. I loved you. Do you hear me? I love you. And what did I get for it? A big nothing. No. You like a sponge? You take, take, take and drain others of their love and emotion. Yeah. Well, I've had enough of it. You've got to choose between me and Rocky so called for who, who, who, who, who? Wow. Wait, wait, wait. Oh, groovy. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, this is crazy. Wait and oh, this is a hell of a trip. Oh my God. This is freaky. OK. Ok. Oh my God. This is a great trip. I'm out of here. See you later. Bye.

Colombia is so proud of themselves when they scream that whole monologue. I've seen everything from Columbia singing verses from R. Kelly's. I believe I can fly to the looney tunes. That's all folks to one version where the actress literally sings the entire chorus to Cardi Bs wop. Before wandering off stage. It's a great time.

mean, like she explains it pretty clearly.

. The, the entire story. Bam right there first Frank trades her in for Eddie then dumps him in the trash literally when he makes Rocky, she loved him and he didn't care.

if you still missed it, we've got a whole recap a few minutes later in Colombia's four show verse though. This one hints that Colombia was in a really dark place.

probably why she acts like a pretty teenager for the entire movie.

, I take a fence for all you teenagers out there. Go

your room. I guarantee you it needs to be clean. Am I right? Nikki?

, I actually rearranged it yesterday. Thank you though. I don't

you. Anyway, let's listen to this four shows.

fuck was that

can't be right? The 1991 Icelandic Cast album. I feel like I just had a stroke.

sorry, English, please. Oh,

. Sure. Yeah. No

. Wait.

damn it.

from the punk rock album, right? Sure.


album sucks.


like two good songs.

. Regardless. It doesn't matter the language or the musical genre you get the same story. Like Columbia was so happy when she first came to the castle being a good little groupie putting out getting high and tip tapping her nights away. But it all went sour when Frank Made Rocky and she's been in a really dark place ever since.

. She was like despondent after Frank started working on Rocky, she's descended into this depressed world where only her love of a certain dope gives her anything to live for is the dope Eddie or like

. I imagine that it was Eddie. And then like after Frank, you know, slid his brain in half and dumped him in a freezer in order to make Rocky, I'm thinking it was probably the drugs

way, she is clearly given up poor girl put on her pajamas at like six PM and doesn't bother to change for the entire rest of the movie. Well, until Frank freezes her and makes her sing and dance

then she meets a bitter end, murdered by riffraff in the stage show. She jumps in front of Frank to save him from the lasers. So, I mean, she still loves

and she's clearly a human, right? Not an alien, like Frank Riff and Magenta. That's why she just crumbles and dies,

? She is a human groupie. Are you sure that

isn't a Bard or like maybe a rogue or a fighter?

, a groupie

Bards worthless class. You shut


, let's talk about the Bard.

hard to be the Bod Shakespeare, Shakespeare.

, Richard o'brien.

. I fucking hate you so much.

you too. So Joe's got this detail right as well though Richard o'brien initially conceived the plot with only one female servant, she was named Columbia and we can see her listed in the earliest forms of Richard o'brien's notes that are published in the Rocky Horror scrapbook. However, she is hastily penciled into the list of characters and is credited with singing science fiction double feature at the show's opening.

this sense, a character named Columbia existed first. However, she was doing an amalgamation of the actions that Colombia and Magenta do in the final show.

has it that 19 sixties singer Marianne faithful at one point wanted to be in the show and sing its opening song. This rumor has become the stuff of Rocky horror folklore.

, no, no, no, no, no, not another mystery.

, not like those. This was basically a rumor even when it originally happened. So exact timelines and details differ from one account to the other. You've got to remember this was all before the show had even opened or been fully cast. It was very early on in the creative process. What the

do have in common is that it seems that Jim Sharman advocated the creation of a completely new role to accommodate the possibility of like a celebrity casting, you know, like stunt casting, Richard o'brien was annoyed by this request and was very perplexed about how to invent a whole new character and like magically integrate her into the show. So he

what all Rocky people would do. He completely half assed it. He split the female servant role and dialogue into two separate parts separate,

definitely unequal. He only gave magenta literally four

, funny funny story about that. Patricia Quinn auditioned for the show. And after hearing science fiction double feature, she was super eager to accept the usherette role, the one that would sing the song, her agent warned her to take it slow in case the character was just a four line part and advised that she first take a look at the script before making any kind of decision. So when Pat finally saw the script, she was thrilled to see science fiction double feature in all of its glory. But she also saw that indeed, Magenta only had like four lines of dialogue. She didn't care. She said, quote, I don't give a shit. I'm going to do it because it's the best song I ever heard. That's my Patricia Quinn

really, it was really good. And really British

. In other interviews, Pat admitted that she hadn't been all that enthusiastic to play the domestic on one occasion. She said, quote, she did have to hang about a lot, Magenta, but it's really wonderful to create some thing because you're it all that come after. They're just pretending to be it though. Some of them have been awfully good.

right. Like Magenta sure does just fucking stand around a lot. There's so many chances to just fuck off or, you know, make the character your own. I know that like when I play Magenta, the majority of the stuff that I'm doing is like, not accurate to her at all because I don't like to just exist on stage. You know, I like people to pay attention to me, especially if I'm being a mini character, but at the same time, not take away from the action at hand on stage. So like, there's this one time that I remember where I was playing Magenta and I think Savannah was playing Riff. So we, we swapped our, our traditional roles. Like I'm usually Riff and Savannah is usually Magenta. At that point, the scene was Planet Schmidt and Riff and Magenta are just kind of like standing in the background for the majority of that scene until she starts yelling at Frank, which is half of her lines in the entire movie. And I'm pretty sure they're like, I think I like bent over and Samantha just started like butt fucking me on stage while everything was happening or like sometimes in the middle of a scene, I'll just purposely remove myself from the stage and just like sit down in the front row until I'm ready to do a thing again. Or like, I'll come on stage and I'll like, pick my nose and flick it at the audience again before COVID or, you know, if it's any scene that has Magenta that is during or after dinner, I'll like pick toast up on the floor and put it in my underwear and then pull it out during Planet Man and start eating it. Sometimes I'll give the mop a uh a hand job while I'm waiting for a riff to fuck with the monster. Like sometimes I'll fall asleep during Frank's creation speech. Like, as you can tell, there's many things that I do as Magenta because she doesn't do anything the entire movie,

, can we, can we talk about real quick? Like not to give away the secret, but like my favorite part of doing Freezing scene is Riff is just that, like every Magenta decides to just bend over and give you a lap dance while you're standing there. Like it doesn't matter if you're five ft away by the time she's got to bend over and flip the switch, she has worked her way over to you and is just like, hm, let me get up on that. You know, like my

is very different.

I play Magenta for N Y C, we call it Magenta because I don't even play Magenta. I play a very masculine magenta like I keep the beard and I'm just a dude in a dress when I play Magenta as opposed to like when I play like, Janet, I try to act feminine, I act more Janet like, but with Magenta, I turn into like this big chaos Gremlin who just exists to destroy the show as best as I can. And it turned out like the way that I portray Magenta just because she just kind of stands there a lot and just exists for a majority of the movie. Uh the way that I portray Magenta kind of elevates her to be one of my favorite characters to perform.

, that's good. I mean, you, you, you got to find the thing that makes it entertaining, right. It kind of sounds like Pat tried to do that. I mean, I certainly know every Magenta does now great examples that you just gave. But

important thing is that you want to be from a shadow caster, from a leadership perspective, you want to be able to make a character your own without overstepping the other characters that are main in that scene. You know, like I've seen so many performers that just, they ruin a scene because they go so big as a minor character that it overshadows like the creation speech or like Doctor Scott's monologue that happens during Planet Man with, with Brad and you know, projecting it through space like you gotta, you gotta be able to make yourself memorable without overstepping those boundaries.

man, dude, funny example of that. Did you know that when uh the stage show moved to Los Angeles for the Roxy showing that they had Tim Curry, right? And they had some of the other actors who were, had already done it. But most of the cast they brought in and they were all these like Hollywood actors who were like up and coming stage show, whatever. So the first show that they ever did of it, Tim Curry comes out and he's doing his thing and everybody else because they're like these Hollywood me me me actors thinks that they have to upstage him and they do this by literally upstaging him by walking closer and closer to the front of the stage to do all of their stuff. But Tim being the consummate actor that is, he just stands in the back and is like, fuck you all and waits for them all to inch their way back so that they're back to where they're supposed to be and they're not trying to literally upstage him. I

that so much funny

, man, funny story. So

was that Richard split the role. Magenta got her four lines and Columbia shifted from servant to the tap dancing group. We all know today her character would get flushed out further during rehearsals. Wait, but I remember from a few weeks back in Rayner Burton's book, he was the original Rocky in the stage show. He talks about Columbia being created second. And this whole story about how Jim Sharman saw Little Nell Busting and wanted Richard to write her a role.

. No. So in the book, even Rayner admits that story is a fanciful legend that he prefers to believe since it's a nice story. So fake news. Unfortunately, it's not really all that true. Little Nell was certainly known by Jim Sharman and Brian Thompson before they even started doing Rocky. They ran in the same circles and they were all Australian expats, right? Nell was well known to just busk all the time for fun, just tap dancing on the street for some extra cash and well, just because she's now but the story about the role being created for her, that's, that's kind of just a story.

his insistence that the Magenta character was created first can easily be attributed to how much of the actual meat of the role was transferred over to Magenta. Instead of just staying with the character that would be named Columbia,

? As pat lamented, Magenta might stand around a lot, but she stands around for a purpose. She's the maid after all. And the actual Transylvanian

is the more central character to the plot, even though pretty much all of the dialogue and character development stayed with Columbia. That's why when Rayner Burton wasn't able to play Rocky on the final night of the theater upstairs production, Jim Sharman thought Nell could play Rocky, recognizing that it made much more sense to have Magenta. Ad Lib Columbia's lines rather than the other way around.

. And plus with the entire like, which was first thing you're basically just talking about the order that the names are created in. And we know Columbia was the first name from the scrapbook pictures of Richard's original notes.

fact, while we're talking about names, did you guys know Riff was originally named Joe Vitus. What's that? A reference

, it's a mashup of sixties British rock singer, Joe Cocker and the name of a neurological disorder that causes spasmodic muscle convulsions, you know, commonly known as the Saint Vitus Dance.



like Riff raff better. I have a question. Who can? This is so bad. This is so bad. The, the, the Riff, the Riff Raff, the guy, not the movie guy. The, the guy with the teeth and the Yeah. Yeah. You know who I'm talking

? Yeah. My goal is to blow up and act like, I don't know.

that about?

don't know. I guess maybe that's next week's Nicky question.

the fuck are you

talking? There's like a rapper guy. His name is. Yeah, he's like a personality. He's ridiculous.

, it's probably a stage name at me because, you know, like Riff Raff Street Rat, I don't buy that. It's probably like that, you know, but

might be, he might be a secret Rocky fan.

, it could be it. No, Aaron, you're the one who does all the uh all the research for Nick. He asks a question and maybe you should research

. I think we should do an episode about Riff Raff. Yeah.

, guys. Stop it. You were talking about Hot Christian Simko. He was formerly a member of the rap group Three Loco along with Andy Milanna and Dirty Nasty. But he reunited on his Ballowe 20.

our show.


want to thank Joe for writing in. We love you, Jill Me especially and we all really appreciate how much you support us in our show. If

enjoying Rocky Talkie, please help us spread the word all about it. All you gotta do is rate, review and subscribe on itunes. It helps us make our podcast more visible to new listeners, which helps us to grow the show. We're on

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please write to us. We love hearing from all of our listeners, getting messages from you makes our whole entire week, especially when it's you, Jill.

can't wait to hear about all the cool Rocky stuff you're working on and all the upcoming special events your casts are getting ready to do. We want to share it on our show and help you spread the word.

you're working on a rocky related project that you're excited about, if your cast is doing a show and you want to spread the word or if you've got an amazing story from your Rocky horror career, please go to our website rocky talky podcast dot com and fill out our contact form to share with us

please don't forget to send in your videos for community preshow night. Yeah,

talk to you all next week.


goal is to blow up and act like I don't know nobody.

So his debut studio album, Neon Icon was released June 24th, 2014 with Mad Descent in April 2016. He had the partner. It,

had no idea that he rapped with Andy Milin. That is the funniest shit I've ever heard in my life. I'm

just reading the Wikipedia page.

, so what's the difference between Colombia and Colombia?

country Columbia is C O L OMB I A There's

O in there. Yeah.

. Whatever one of them is like amazing for cocaine. The other one is a country in South America.

I'm done. Recording.

, see

take a sip

the Snapple. Thanks, Cobweb. Thanks. What

hell? I thought that was Aaron.

, it was.


love that. You guys are still plugging along with new show dates and we're very hopeful that sometime soon they'll stick. Speaking of things that are sticky from April 30 to May 2nd 2021 according to their website Spooky Empire has according to John, just the


, we're gonna fix that. I love


Christopher Carter, who is the show's director and the Resident Brad Majors has really put a lot of care into making sure that their virtual show is every bit as entertaining and fun as the live shows are. I ran out of breath and I was like, how do I save this? Ok. I got to take out a fucking deep breath for this one. So, all right, Johnny, we can do this

G not me. So welcome to Jill. Asks a question. Boo boo zip zap whammy or whatever. Anyway, it's a good one, John do the thing. I'm gonna take it again. What the fuck is that line? Boop Boop zip Sam Whammy

Z top of going down the I, I just

to see if you'd read it

is going to start putting dumb shit into the script like

you put down so

my tiny little nipples went to France. It will be like in the middle of community news and Nick, he's going to fucking read it.

do not read the things before I say them clearly. OK? We're doing it one more time. I'm not doing your stupid fucking scat or whatever that is. Oh

that a different

of only fans account

Jill. Not for me. So welcome to Jill, ask a question. This is from the original 1973 cast recording while

was tapping down the

. I would really rather die.

He would in the stage show

fucking do it. Nicky.

you take that line again? I'm sorry. I, I missed my line.

He would in the stage show. Oh

, my tiny little nipples went to

, right? So this is one of those things that was lost in the translation to the film. God damn it. I had to, I had to, did she, did she have a line between there? OK?

like, oh yeah. My tiny little nibbles with the friends. Yeah. This is one of the things that was just lost in translation of the film. Nicky just starts like regularly incorporating complete non sequiturs into her script and we just pass them off like they make sense.

when Jim Sharman did his thing, I pooped and then he said,



, right? So Morphia is a derivative of the name Morpheus.

I love her version of this because it's, do you guys remember this because she does this. Yes. Everybody shoved him. I very nearly loved him. I said, hey, listen to me. It's

, you know everything about her. Columbia stresses me out. I remember like because I really like the, but she opens it up with like, and it's like, bro,

love Anal Ashford and she can do no wrong this included. And we know Columbia was the first name from the scrapbook pictures of Richard's original notes. She was named after o'brien's most favorite country.



know Colombia because Nick doesn't know the difference between Colombia and Colombia.

was a

. Yeah. See, because Nicky is stupid,

. Hey, fun fact. While we're talking about names, did you guys know Riff was originally named Joe Vita.


Joe Biden?

Viti Vitis with a V what

that a reference to?

it's uh oh no, that's John's line.

